Are you thinking about delivering a TEDx talk or bringing a TED-style session to your conference?
If you’re not ready for TedX speaker coaching, but want to find and deliver your big idea on a TedX stage, this guide can help — from practical advice for how to create your talk, and finding a place to deliver it… to learning what makes a TED talk different… and highlighting examples of successful TEDx presentations.
There’s more than enough here to start you on the path, so read on — and enjoy!
Practical Tips for Creating TED Talks
How to Create Your TED Talk: An 8-Step Process — It all begins with your “idea worth sharing”… but then what? This step-by-step guide will show you how to develop your idea into a talk that’s both suited for the TEDx stage and fun to deliver. Get the Guide.
Public Speakers! 3 Steps on How To Book a TEDx Talk — With the growing popularity of TEDx, it’s not always easy to find the right place to give your talk. These tips will help you locate an event, and apply to speak.
How to Give an Academic Talk, TED-Style — TED-style academic presentations are compelling but credible. Learn how to narrow down your topic and bring personal passion to the academic stage.
How to Engage Your Conference Audience with TED-Style Talks! — More and more conferences feature TED-style segments. If you’re a conference organizer or speaker, these tips will help you make the most of that opportunity.
TED Talk Assignments?! The Kids Will Be Alright — Yes, high school and even middle school students are now being asked to prepare and deliver TED-style talks for homework. These tips are geared to school assignments.
Making the TED Style Work for You
Giving a TED-Style Talk? Here’s How They’re Different from Business Presentations — When you’re giving a TED talk for business, it helps to find the middle ground between the two presentations styles.
TED Has Eliminated Two Things That Used to Be Said In Most Speeches: Hello and Thank You. Should You? — TED is changing the culture of public speaking; but that doesn’t mean you need to change everything you do! Learn what works best for you and your talk.
Public Speaking Tip 82: Don’t Let the “TED Talk” Style Intimidate You or Stand Between You and Making a Good Enough Speech — Most public speakers worry about not measuring up; but that becomes much less of an issue when you understand what’s involved in giving a good speech.
Learn from Successful TED and TEDx Speakers
How Joe Kowan Beat Stage Fright (and You Can, Too) — Connecting with your cherished motives can help you overcome even extreme fear.
Public Speaking the TEDx Way: Young TEDx Speakers Make It Look Like Child’s Play — Today’s smart, sophisticated kids have a lot to teach the rest of us about how to be yourself on stage!
Public Speaking the TED Way: A Tale of Three TEDx Talks — Whatever your topic and TEDx event, find the best way to approach your talk, and succeed!
Talking the TEDx Way: Daniel Kraft’s Masterful Public Speaking — If you’ve ever said, “My topic is too hard to explain,” take inspiration from this four-minute talk that turns the complexity of a medical breakthrough into a gripping story.

Are You Ready for TEDx Coaching?
If you dream of delivering a great TEDx talk, there’s no time like NOW to start the process.
If you’re in or near New York City, you can take advantage of One-on-One Coaching — and if you’re not, TED coaching by Skype is effective, too..
Either way, I look forward to working with you, and to watching that video of you on the TEDx stage!