Whether you’re speaking for business or in a community setting, it helps to know the points you want to make in advance. And once you’ve done that thinking, speaking notes will help you remember what you planned to say. Lots of people have been sold on the idea that speaking without notes makes you look Read More
Public Speaking Tip 81: Giving a Speech? Close With Your Key Message. And if Your Speech is Followed by Q&A, Do It Twice!
What does it mean to close with your key message? Well, a client who’s speaking in Budapest next week asked me how she should walk off the stage. She wanted to know if, following her Q&A, she should: Say goodbye? Wave? Just smile and exit? What I told her is that any of these three options are Read More
The Instant Speech Lets You Create A Full-Length Presentation in an Hour
My friend and colleague Andrea Kihlstedt came by recently to get help writing a speech. The problem was, she had just 2 hours free — and by the time we’d settled down to work, it was more like 1-3/4. With that in mind, she said, “At least let’s talk through my idea.” I said, “How Read More