My friend and colleague Andrea Kihlstedt came by recently to get help writing a speech. The problem was, she had just 2 hours free — and by the time we’d settled down to work, it was more like 1-3/4. With that in mind, she said, “At least let’s talk through my idea.” I said, “How Read More
public speaking styles
Public Speaking Styles: Why Js and Ps Sometimes Drive Each Other Crazy
Picture this: You’re in charge of a group that’s designing a new creative campaign. You’re all holed up in a small conference room with the requisite coffee, donuts and aspirin. You’ve reviewed the client’s needs, and talked about what the competition is doing. Now it’s time for the brainstorming to begin. It isn’t long before Read More
Public Speaking Challenges: Hate Conflict? (You Might Be a Helper)
How’s This for Irony? People with the Helper public speaking style are often less willing to tolerate interpersonal conflict than Reliables, Improvers, or Experiencers. Yet, because of their idealism, Helpers often find themselves on the front lines of social activism, either asking for money or trying to get other people involved. (And what an invitation to conflict Read More