In my last post, about the Reliable public speaking personality, I talked about how the four public speaking personalities sometimes clash with each other. Those clashes can tell you a lot about what style you are — and what style you’re dealing with. For example: When I was a kid, my mother used to call me “Sarah Read More
Your Public Speaking Personality: Are You a Reliable?
When Public Speaking Personalities Clash Have you ever had that experience where you’re talking to someone, but it’s almost as if you’re speaking two different languages? This recently happened to a client of mine. Darniece is a retail executive, responsible for a large number of stores. Last week, she was talking to one of her store managers Read More
Introverts, Embrace Your Quiet Power!
Thanks to Susan Cain’s superb book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, people have suddenly made a stunning discovery: Introverts aren’t shy, reclusive losers; we actually add value! Why Is That a Surprise? This is surprising to many, in part, because introverts like Cain (and me), have done such a Read More
Public Speaking Style Smack-Down at NYU
Let’s face it: We all think our own way of doing things is the best possible way. Reliables, who are buttoned down, willing to take orders, and loyal to institutions believe that their way is the best. Helpers, who are emotional, future-focused, and values-driven believe that their way is the best. Improvers, who are intellectually Read More
For More Self-Aware Public Speaking, Know Your MBTI Type
If you’ve coached with me (and if you haven’t yet, why not?!), you know that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a psychological “test” that sorts people into 16 personality types, is central to my coaching and communications practice. Knowing their MBTI type gives my clients insights about themselves, and helps me to coach them more Read More