It’s Not as Complicated as You Think About a year ago, I decided to create an e-learning course (the kind that you buy, download, and then take at your own pace) on public speaking. [NOTE: I’m still working hard on the course, though I’ve given up trying to predict when it will be finished. :-))] Read More
Fear of Public Speaking
If Your Mind Goes Blank When You Speak in Public, Challenge the Thought that’s Lurking Underneath
My clients sometimes report that — although they felt ready to give a talk or speak up in a meeting — when the time came, their minds went blank. This is what they experienced. And yet, anyone who’s ever tried to meditate knows that there’s no such thing as a truly blank mind. There’s always something going on in Read More
Public Speaking Tip 47: Fear of Public Speaking? Use YOU Language and an Avatar to Create Distance from Fear
How do you create distance from fear of public speaking? One way is to talk to yourself in the “second person,” as YOU. You may remember from high school that: When you talk about yourself (“I like ice cream”) you’re speaking in what’s called first person; When you talk directly to someone else (“You like ice Read More
How Joe Kowan Beat Stage Fright (and You Can, Too)
“Embracing??” “Exploiting?” Do these sound like words you would use in relation to fear of public speaking, a/k/a stage fright? Probably not. But Joe Kowan, who performed and spoke as part of a TED program said: By thinking about my audience… by embracing and exploiting my problem, I was able to take something that was blocking my Read More
You Want to Speak in Public But Fear Is Holding You Back? How to Overcome Your Stage Fright
Whether your fear of public speaking manifests as a tortured sense of self-doubt or a full-blown case of the hives, FEAR is one of the experiences public speakers hate most. These posts, from 100 Top Public Speaking Tips, will help you put fear in its place! Public Speaking Tip 9: Embrace the Stress What, besides experience, is Read More