Speechwriting — an art form that’s been developed over thousands of years — isn’t something that most presenters think about.
Instead, they often use the following process to “get ready” for a presentation:
- Make a PowerPoint
- Go into denial until the day you’re schedule to speak, and then
- Deliver your slides, which you don’t remember.
It’s no surprise that this approach leads to bad presentations that audiences hate.
But things don’t have to be that way, because…
There is a simple speechwriting process that’s cost-effective, and actually works!
A Great Speech, in Just 3 Speaker Coaching Sessions
Over the past 25 years, I’ve written more than 1000 speeches with clients who range from CEOs to celebrity chefs.
And while a fully-scripted, lovingly polished speech takes time, here is a streamlined, collaborative plan for creating a great speech in just 3 sessions:
Session 1:
- Review what you know about the audience, your goals for the speech, and your topic
- Pick your key message and supporting topics
- Outline your talk
Session 2:
- Stumble through a reading of your first draft. (You can write the draft, or hire me to do it)
- Adjust the way your talk flows and decide what needs to be added, rewritten, or taken away
- Talk about how you’re going to practice to improve your delivery and get the maximum impact
Session 3
- Polish your delivery of the final draft (whether you’re reading from a fully-written script, improvising to bullet points, or a combination of both)
- Time the presentation and make final tweaks
- Talk about how to prepare yourself for a successful presenting experience
Of course, you could follow these steps by yourself — the entire process is explained, step-by-step, in my book on public speaking, Speak Like Yourself… No, Really!.
But working together adds tremendous value… and you get the benefit of those 1000 speeches!
Are You Ready to Experience Speechwriting that Works?