We’re used to talking about “fear of public speaking” as though it’s just one thing. But the reality is more complex than that. There are actually four layers of fear, and excavating them will help you manage your fear more effectively. 1. Biological Fear: The Deepest Layer Fear of public speaking is close to universal, Read More
Fear of Public Speaking and Self-Criticism
Take This “Fear of Public Speaking” Quiz
While it isn’t true that most people are more afraid of public speaking than of death, it’s certainly true that many of us fear getting up in front of an audience. So it makes sense to start by asking… Just What Is This Thing We’re So Afraid Of? Think of public speaking as any time Read More
Do You Struggle with Imposter Syndrome? Join the Club!
Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that you’re not really as smart or capable as other people believe. That you’re constantly fooling them. And that, any second now, you’re going to be found out. Unmasked. Exposed as…an imposter. People who suffer from Imposter Syndrome—and lots of very smart and talented people do—think that their success is Read More
If Your Mind Goes Blank When You Speak in Public, Challenge the Thought that’s Lurking Underneath
My clients sometimes report that — although they felt ready to give a talk or speak up in a meeting — when the time came, their minds went blank. This is what they experienced. And yet, anyone who’s ever tried to meditate knows that there’s no such thing as a truly blank mind. There’s always something going on in Read More
When Someone Asks a Question You Can’t Answer (on Stage or in a Meeting), Be Ready with a “Phrase that Pays”
Sometimes your mind purrs along like a well-tuned engine. Other times it coughs up thoughts, feelings, and anxieties that are worse than useless. Flashes of insecurity are human and inevitable. But when negative thoughts pop into your mind, it’s all too easy to freeze up, sputter, or panic. For many of us, this happens when we’re asked a question that Read More