Testimonials from Workshop Organizers and Attendees
You continue to get RAVES from the workshop groups.
—Erin Auerbach, Senior Associate Director, Youth, Inc.
Thank you so much for two wonderful and impactful sessions today.
— Manager, at a major City of New York Department
Thank you for the amazing session with our District Leaders on Wednesday. In the afternoon, we challenged them to use your format when planning an important communication to their store teams. Each DL delivered their speech and the growth in their delivery was astounding. It was thrilling to witness the transformation.
— Anne MacDonald, Leader, Retail Learning and Development, Eileen Fisher
Thanks so much for creating such a wonderfully engaging and enlightening class!
— Carolyn Swartz, Instructor, Graphic Media Communications MA Program, New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies
Thanks for partnering with me on this assignment for the NYC Department of Education. Always a pleasure, and I appreciate your willingness to think out of the box to serve the client’s needs.
— Jennifer Bezoza, Leadership Coach, Jennifer Bezoza Consulting
On behalf of the Princeton Alumni Emerging Leaders Program, I want to thank you so very much for being our guest speaker/trainer at Saturday’s session.
Just like last year, the group felt deeply impressed and excited by you. The evaluations were unanimously positive about how practical, inspiring, and helpful your insights were to the group. Many said that they have always believed there was a primary way to do public speaking and they simply needed to emulate that model. In contrast, they said that you gave them permission to find their own, unique public speaking style, informed by who they are.
— Yael Sivi, Executive Coach and New York Emerging Leaders Program Facilitator
You brought something singular and unique to our evening together — animating the space in a very special way.
— Jenny Douglas, Founder, The Brooklyn Cottage
I just wanted to personally thank you for
hosting the networking panel discussion.
It was an overwhelming success!!!!
— Donna Russo, JumpStartNYC Program Manager, SUNY Levin Institute
The members who attended your workshop were buzzing when they left! They said you were AMAZING!
— Amy Abrams, entrepreneur, author, speaker; Co-Founder, In Good Company Workplaces
I mean it sincerely when I say that yours was one of the most enjoyable JFEW program workshops I have been to. Both the students and I learned and enjoyed.
— Alyssa Schuck, Clinical Associate Professor
Director, JFEW SF Program, Stern College for Women, Yeshiva University
Jezra engaged the girls in our outreach program with fun exercises that helped them actively change the way they understand their own voices and the ability each has to speak powerfully and convincingly.
— Victoria Pettibone, Co-Founder WET’s Risk Takers Series
I was able to speak in public finally without fear.
— 2010 WET’s Risk Taker Series participant
10th grader, High School for Medical Professions
I want to thank you for your insightful comments to my team. The points that you raised were very helpful to us in improving our presentations, and the quality of our talks will reflect the benefit that your comments and questions provided.
— Ray Ruddon, MD, Ph.D. Former Corporate VP, Science & Technology and Chief Scientific Officer Johnson & Johnson
I loved your event! More women need to know about you!
— Radiris Diaz, Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder, Cute Geek
Want to book a Customized Workshop for Your Organization?
Contact me and we’ll set up a time to talk.
Still have questions about Customized Workshops?
See these FAQs for more information.
And for self-directed help…
You’ll find a wealth of information in my public speaking workbook, Speak Like Yourself… No, Really!