Creative Freelancers, Small Business Owners, Service Providers All Want More Work — but How Do You Make that Happen?
In PROMOTE AND PRESENT: Talk to Your Clients to WIN MORE WORK, I’ll use a combination of presentation, group discussion, and hands-on exercises to show you how.
Together, we’ll look at three strategies to help you win new clients and repeat business. And we’ll use the Work Flow Cycle to get the work you want flowing your way.
I thought you’d never ask! They are:
- Speak So that People Listen — by using public speaking best practices that we’ll review;
- Connect with Your Client’s Temperament — whether he or she is a Reliable, a Helper, an Improver, or an Experiencer; and
- Pitch as If You’re Presenting, and Present as If You’re Pitching — make the Work Flow Cycle work for you by continuously taking your client to the next step.
What Will Actually Happen At the Workshop?
This will be an interactive, two-hour session that draws on the experience of all workshop attendees, and shows you how to put the three strategies to immediate use.
Specifically, the workshop will include:
- An Overview Presentation,
- Q&A with Group Discussion, and
- Practical Exercises for each strategy, to show you the next steps and get you started.
Anything Else?
You’ll also receive:
- A PDF of the workshop presentation, and
- A copy of my book, Speak Like Yourself… No, Really! Follow Your Strengths and Skills to Great Public Speaking.
Plus, it’ll be fun.